Unlocking unlikely connections. Earn simply from socialising!

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Join our community and meet our Influencers

For Influencers, Elitely is a medium for encouraging interaction between them and their genuine fans.

While they have their fair share of adoring fans, the haters spoil the game. Many end up ignoring fan messages.

Elitely brings the power back to them by filtering out the haters with a paywall and smart language processing. Chat safely and meet your genuine fans, while making a living out of providing quality content and fan service!


Join our community and meet our Personalities

Elitely is a way to get paid for simply getting to know others!

These may be new faces or familiar faces, and may be missed connections in the hustle and bustle of today’s real and online world.

Be it through virtual chats or in-person meet-ups, they get an incentive to come out of their shells and reconnect with real people.


Join our community and meet our Lurkers

Most social media users “Lurk” but don’t engage with other users, no matter how great the curiosity. We call them “Lurkers”.

Elitely is a way for them to bypass the difficulties of getting connected to anyone listed on our platform. A missed connection on a dating app? That person you were too shy to ask out on conventional social platforms? That elusive Influencer that you wish to meet or chat with?

At Elitely, anyone can unlock any of the above connections. The other party has an incentive to accept the connection and expand on the interaction, and the rest is up to chemistry...

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